SA8000 is an international certification standard that encourages organization to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace. It was created in 1989 by Social Accountability International (SAI), an affiliate of the Council on Economic Priorities, and is viewed as the most globally accepted independent workplace standard. It can be applied to any company, of any size, anywhere in the world. The areas it addresses include forced and child labor, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, compensation and management systems.
The SA8000 certification is the Social Accountability System standard. It is applicable to companies of any size that wish to address the social and ethical aspects of their business. A Social Accountability System proves to customers that the company holds adequate provisions for the protection of workers’ rights. Further, it ensures ethical production of all goods manufactured by the company. SA8000 certification enables organization’s to demonstrate your commitment to social accountability standards as well as employee and customer satisfaction. Along with setting standards for employees worldwide, SA8000 also embraces existing international agreements, including conventions from the International Labor Organization, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Ozone Sustainability Management Systems (OSMS) is accredited body- Current status: Suspended from 16 August 2024 to onwards-by SAAS to conduct SA8000 assessments and certifications at facility as per SAAS Procedure 200 , ISO 17021 and other related protocols and defined procedures.

For more information about SA8000 Assessments and Certification and their process, please contact us by phone (+91 9711002728) or email to or We will be pleased to assist you.