Management Systems Certification-SA8000 certification
A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organisation can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives.
Businesses operating in the 21st century face many significant challenges, including:
- Profitability
- Competitiveness
- Globalisation
- Speed of change
- Adaptability
- Growth
- Technology
Balancing these and other business requirements can be a difficult and daunting process. That’s where management systems can help, by unlocking the potential in your organization. Implementing an effective management system can help you to:
- Manage your social, environmental and financial risks
- Improve operational effectiveness
- Reduce costs
- Increase customer and stakeholder satisfaction
- Protect your brand and reputation
- Achieve continual improvement
- Promote innovation
- Remove barriers to trade
- Bring clarity to the marketplace
By using a proven management system you’re able to continually renew your mission, strategies, operations and service levels.

Ozone (OSMS) is approved training provider in SLCP.